
Kubernetes Visualization Tool

Visualize, Monitor, and Optimize Kubernetes Clusters with our Powerful Visualization Tool.

Getting Started

KlusterView was created with you, the developer, in mind. That's why our setup process can be implemented in a matter of minutes, so you can get back to focusing on what's important.

Step One


Clone the KlusterView repository by executing the following command in your terminal.
git clone https://github.com/oslabs-beta/KlusterView.git

Step Two


From the project's scripts directory, execute ./setup.sh with root user permissions. This will intruct Kubectl to install KlusterView and its dependencies using the manifests.

Step Three

Open Browser

KlusterView will run on Port 31001 of each node. To display the application, access this port via your web browser.

Step Four


Use the command below to work in development mode. Once loaded, the development server may be accessed on Port 31002.
docker build -f Dockerfile-dev -t klusterview/dev

Visualization Made Simple.

Monitor Your Important Metrics

No time wasted configuring your dashboard or developing queries. KlusterView has streamlined this process.

Instantly monitor pod and kluster level CPU usage, memory usage, pod status, number of replicas, and IP adresses.

View Your Node Structures

Understand the heirarchical organization of the nodes and pods within your kluster.

Detect unresponsive pods and eliminate bottlenecks in the development pipeline